Palazzo Pitti

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A unique monument even for Florence, Palazzo Pitti is many things at once: a wonderfully preserved; a treasure trove of art; and the largest museum complex in Florence.

Five different museums reside here, the most famous being the Palatine Gallery: a unique collection of paintings acquired over the centuries by the Medici family. The paintings have remained in the locations chosen by the grand-dukes who lived in the palace, following their own personal taste. The paintings range from the 15th to the 18th century, including works by Titian, Raphael and Rubens.

Another truly remarkable museum within Palazzo Pitti is the Tesoro dei Granduchi, containing the “treasure” of the Medici family, in other words the collection of exquisite artifacts (in gold, silver, ivory) purchased or received as gifts by the Medici family throughout their long rule.

Outside Palazzo Pitti, the fabulous Boboli Gardens, Florence’s largest and most ornate palatial gardens, can be visited on fair days.

Our Palazzo Pitti itinerary takes you through the most important rooms of the Palatine Gallery, the Medici Treasure, and the Boboli Gardens.